
POLICYMIX analysis step » Impact evaluation

Peer reviewed

Thumbnail Barton, D.N. et al. (2013) Policyscape—A Spatially Explicit Evaluation of Voluntary Conservation in a Policy Mix for Biodiversity Conservation in Norway. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, 26:10, 1185-1201
Thumbnail Santos, R., Antune,s P., Ring, I., Clemente, P., Ribas, T., Directing economic instruments at public and private local stakeholders for biodiversity conservation. The case of agrienvironment schemes and ecological fiscal transfers. Environmental Policy and Governance
Thumbnail Santos, R., Ring, I., Antunes, P., Clemente, P., 2012. Fiscal transfers for biodiversity conservation: the Portuguese Local Finances Law. Land Use Policy, 29, 261-273 Acknowledgement: SCALES EC-FP7 project, which funded part of the research
Thumbnail Schröter-Schlaack, C., Ring, I., Koellner, T., Santos, R., Antunes, P., Clemente, P., Mathevet, R., Borie, M., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. (2014): Intergovernmental fiscal transfers to support local conservation action in Europe. The German Journal of Economic Geography

Project publications

Thumbnail Barton et al. (2014) Guidelines for multi-scale policy mix assessments. POLICYMIX Technical Brief No. 12
Thumbnail Barton, D. N. et al. (2012)Assessment of existing and proposed policy instruments for biodiversity conservation in Norway. Report 1/2012
Thumbnail Bittner, S. and Lienhoop, N., 2013: Understanding non-participation of farmers in agri-environmental schemes for afforestation. The case of West Saxony.
Thumbnail Brouwer, R. et al. (2013) Guidelines for biodiversity valuation and benefits assessment of economic instruments. Tecnical Brief Issue no. 10
Thumbnail Chacón-Cascante, al. (2012). Costa Rica: National level assessment of the role of economic instruments in the conservation policymix. Report 2/2012
Thumbnail Clemente, P., Santos, R., Antunes, P., Pinto, R. Assessing farmers’ perceptions and performance of agri-environmental schemes in a multifunctional agro-forest system: lessons for instrument design in a conservation policymix.
Thumbnail Grieg-Gran, M. et al. (2011) Guidelines for Assessing Social Impacts and Legitimacy in Conservation. Technical Guide Issue no. 1
Thumbnail Grieg‐Gran, M. et al. (2013) Best practice guidelines for assessing  social impacts and legitimacy of conservation policy  instruments. Technical Brief Issue no.8 
Thumbnail J. Vivan (in memoriam), R. Davenport, P.C. Nunes, R. Abad, P.H. May, D.N. Barton, L.P. Amaral. 2013. Pilot projects and agroenvironmental measures in northwest Mato Grosso, Brazil: impacts and lesson for REDD+ policy “mixes.” Paper presented at ESEE Conference, Lille.
Thumbnail May, P. et al. (2012) Assessment of the role of economic and regulatory instruments in the conservation policymix for the Brazilian Amazon – a coarse grain study. Report 5/2012
Thumbnail May, P.H. et al (2013) The effectiveness and fairness of the "Ecological ICMS" as a fiscal transfer for biodiversity conservation. A tale of two municipalities in Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Thumbnail Pinto, R., Antunes, P., Santos, R., Blumentrath, S., Clemente, P. Evaluating spatial targeting and planning effectiveness of policies: Illustrative example of an agri-environmental measure application in a multifunctional system. (in preparation)
Thumbnail Primmer, E. et al. (2013) Finland: Assessment of existing and proposed policy instruments for biodiversity conservation at national level POLICYMIX Report Issue No 2/2013. This report replaces POLICYMIX Report 4/2012.
Thumbnail Romeiro, A.R. et al. (2012) Assessment of existing and proposed policy instruments for biodiversity conservation in São Paulo -Brazil: a coarse grain analysis. Report 3/2012
Thumbnail Rugtveit, S.V., D. N. Barton, S. Navrud, A. Chacón Cascante (2013) Transaction and compliance costs of payments for ecosystem services in a public-private benefits framework - a case study from Peninsula de Nicoya, Costa Rica. Submitted to Ecosystem Services
Thumbnail Rusch,G.M. et al. (2011) Policy outcomes: A guideline to assess biodiversity conservation and ESS provision gains. Technical Brief Issue no.3
Thumbnail Rusch,G.M. et al. (2013) Best practice guidelines for assessing effectiveness of instruments on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision. Technical Brief Issue no. 7
Thumbnail Santos, R. et al. (2012) Assessment of the role of economic instruments in the Portuguese  conservation policymix – a national coarse grain analysis. Report 6/2012 
Thumbnail Schröter‐Schlaack, al.(2013) Assessment of existing and proposed policy  instruments for biodiversity conservation in Germany  The role of ecological fiscal transfers. Report 1/2013
Thumbnail Sverdrup-Thygeson et al. (2015) Spatial Overlap between Environmental Policy Instruments and Areas of High Conservation Value in Forest
Thumbnail Vatn et al.(2014) Payments for Nature Values Market and Non-market Instruments