
International Conference on

Policy Mixes in Environmental and Conservation Policies

25 - 27 February 2014 

Leipziger KUBUS, Leipzig, Germany


Photos © Policymix

In most countries, environmental and conservation policies build on strategies involving a wide range of policy instruments. Within these policy mixes, the use of economic instruments is gaining increasing attention; this holds for biodiversity policies and the provision of ecosystem services as much as for climate, energy and water-related policies. 

However, there are still many open questions regarding the combination of several instruments in a policy mix. 

  • What frameworks for policy mix analysis are available? 
  • What is the role of economic instruments vis-à-vis regulatory and information-based approaches in environmental and conservation policies? 
  • How can the various instruments be assessed in their contribution to environmental objectives, cost-effectiveness, social and distributional impacts, as well as institutional requirements, when the focus is on assessing policy mixes rather than single instruments? 
  • How are the motivational effects of economic instruments conditioned by other policy instruments in the mix? What is the role of different instruments or instrument categories in a policy mix?

The conference brings together both researchers and practitioners to discuss novel approaches to instrument analysis and design in policy mixes, covering applications to a wide range of environmental and conservation policies. 

Parallel sessions will cover theoretical contributions as well as case studies from all relevant disciplines such as ecology, economics, law and other social sciences. 

A special focus will be on integrative approaches bridging between science and society and combining knowledge from different disciplines for successful environmental and conservation policies.