
Institutional fit: Infer

Peer reviewed

Thumbnail Primmer (2011), Analysis of institutional adaptation: integration of biodiversity conservation into forestry, Journal of Cleaner Production, 19: 16, 1822 - 1832
Thumbnail Raitanen, E. et al. (2013) Economic Instruments for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Conservation & the EU State Aid. Regulation. Journal for european environmental & planning law 10(1), 6-28.
Thumbnail Simila, J. et al. (2014) Biodiversity Protection in Private Forests: An Analysis of Compliance Journal of Environmental Law, 2014, 0, 1–21

Project publications

Thumbnail Bernasconi, P.; S. Blumentrath; D.N. Barton; G. Rusch & A. R. Romeiro (2013) Policyscape— The potential of Tradable Development Rights (TDR) to improve effectiveness and reduce the costs of biodiversity conservation: study case in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Thumbnail Chacón-Cascante, al. (2012). Costa Rica: National level assessment of the role of economic instruments in the conservation policymix. Report 2/2012
Thumbnail May, P.H. et al (2012) The "Ecological" Value Added Tax (ICMS-Ecologico) in Brazil and its effectiveness in State biodiversity conservation: a comparative analysis
Thumbnail May, P.H. et al (2013) The effectiveness and fairness of the "Ecological ICMS" as a fiscal transfer for biodiversity conservation. A tale of two municipalities in Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Thumbnail Santos, R., May, P., Barton, D.N., and Ring, I. (eds.) 2014. Comparative assessment of policy mixes across case studies - common design factors and transferability of assessment results. Report 1/2014.
Thumbnail Sverdrup-Thygeson et al. (2015) Spatial Overlap between Environmental Policy Instruments and Areas of High Conservation Value in Forest
Thumbnail Vatn et al.(2014) Payments for Nature Values Market and Non-market Instruments