
Policymix case study: Costa Rica

Thumbnail Porras, I., Barton, D.N, Miranda, M. and Chacón-Cascante, A. (2013). Learning from 20 years of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Costa Rica. International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Thumbnail Sanchez, Oscar (2014): Arreglos Institucionales del Programa de Pago por Servicios Ambientales (PSA) en Costa Rica

Project publications

Thumbnail Cárdenas et al. 2014. Costa Rica: Effectivity of PES carbon balance in livestock systems in Nicoya peninsula, Costa Rica
Thumbnail Chacón-Cascante et al. 2013. Evaluating the policymix path dependency of PES using socio-ecological system characteristics: the case of Hojancha, Nicoya and Nandayure
Thumbnail Chacón-Cascante et al. 2014. Social Impact evaluation of forest conservation and reforestation PES contracts in Hojancha
Thumbnail Chacón-Cascante, al. (2012). Costa Rica: National level assessment of the role of economic instruments in the conservation policymix. Report 2/2012
Thumbnail Porras, I. , A. Chacon Cascante, D.N.Barton, D. Tobar (2014) Ecosystems for Sale. Land prices and payments for ecosystem services in Costa Rica
Thumbnail Ramos-Bendaña et al. 2014. Evaluating spatial targeting of payments for forest ecosystem services: Using ‘policy benchmark scenarios’ derived from conservation planning tools
Thumbnail Robalino et al. Substitutability and complementarity of forest conservation policies
Thumbnail Rugtveit, S.V., D. N. Barton, S. Navrud, A. Chacón Cascante (2013) Transaction and compliance costs of payments for ecosystem services in a public-private benefits framework - a case study from Peninsula de Nicoya, Costa Rica. Submitted to Ecosystem Services
Thumbnail Santos, R., May, P., Barton, D.N., and Ring, I. (eds.) 2014. Comparative assessment of policy mixes across case studies - common design factors and transferability of assessment results. Report 1/2014.