
Methodologies Logo » Social impact

Peer reviewed

Thumbnail Balvanera, P. et al.(2012). Ecosystem services research in Latin America: The state of the art . Ecosystem Services, In Press
Thumbnail Paloniemi, Riikka and Vainio, Annukka (2011) 'Legitimacy and empowerment: combining two conceptual approaches for explaining forest owners' willingness to cooperate in nature conservation', Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 8: 2, 123 - 138

Project publications

Thumbnail Chacón-Cascante et al. 2014. Social Impact evaluation of forest conservation and reforestation PES contracts in Hojancha
Thumbnail Clemente, P., Santos, R., Antunes, P., Pinto, R. Assessing farmers’ perceptions and performance of agri-environmental schemes in a multifunctional agro-forest system: lessons for instrument design in a conservation policymix.
Thumbnail Grieg-Gran, M. et al. (2011) Guidelines for Assessing Social Impacts and Legitimacy in Conservation. Technical Guide Issue no. 1
Thumbnail Grieg‐Gran, M. et al. (2013) Best practice guidelines for assessing  social impacts and legitimacy of conservation policy  instruments. Technical Brief Issue no.8 
Thumbnail J. Vivan (in memoriam), R. Davenport, P.C. Nunes, R. Abad, P.H. May, D.N. Barton, L.P. Amaral. 2013. Pilot projects and agroenvironmental measures in northwest Mato Grosso, Brazil: impacts and lesson for REDD+ policy “mixes.” Paper presented at ESEE Conference, Lille.
Thumbnail May P. H., M. F. Gebara, G. Lima, C. Jordão, P. Nogueira, M. Grieg-Gran. 2013. The effectiveness and fairness of the “Ecological ICMS” as a fiscal transfer for biodiversition conservation. A tale of two municipalities in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Paper presented at ESEE Conference, Lille.
Thumbnail May, P.H. et al (2012) The "Ecological" Value Added Tax (ICMS-Ecologico) in Brazil and its effectiveness in State biodiversity conservation: a comparative analysis
Thumbnail May, P.H. et al (2013) The effectiveness and fairness of the "Ecological ICMS" as a fiscal transfer for biodiversity conservation. A tale of two municipalities in Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Thumbnail Svarstad, H. et al. (2011) Three types of environmental justice - From concepts to empirical studies of social impacts of policy instruments for conservation of biodiversity. Report No 1
Thumbnail Vatn et al.(2014) Payments for Nature Values Market and Non-market Instruments
Thumbnail Vatn, A. et al. (2011) Can markets protect Biodiversity? An evaluation of different financial mechanisms