
Methodologies Logo » Ecosystem service values

Peer reviewed

Thumbnail Balvanera, P. et al.(2012). Ecosystem services research in Latin America: The state of the art . Ecosystem Services, In Press
Thumbnail Barton, D.N. et al. (2013) Policyscape—A Spatially Explicit Evaluation of Voluntary Conservation in a Policy Mix for Biodiversity Conservation in Norway. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, 26:10, 1185-1201
Thumbnail Brouwer, R., Tesfaye, A., and Pauw, P. (2011). Meta-analysis of institutional-economic factors explaining the environmental performance of payments for watershed services. Environmental Conservation, 38(4), 380-392.
Thumbnail Lienhoop, N., Brouwer, R., 2014: Agrienvironmental policy valuation: Farmers‘ design preferences for afforestation schemes. Land Use Planning
Thumbnail Lindhjem, H ., K. Grimsrud, S. Navrud and S. O. Kolle (forthcoming) "The Social Benefits and Costs of Preserving Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services".
Thumbnail Schröter et al. (2014) Accounting for capacity and flow of ecosystem services: A conceptual model and a case study for Telemark, Norway. Ecological Indicators 36, 539-551.
Thumbnail Schröter et al. (2015) Ecosystem Services and Opportunity Costs Shift Spatial Priorities for Conserving Forest Biodiversity. PLOS ONE November 13, 2014

Project publications

Thumbnail Barton, D. N. et al. (2013) Guidelines for opportunity cost evaluation of conservation policy instruments. Technical Brief Issue no. 11 (rev.)
Thumbnail Bernasconi, P.; S. Blumentrath; D.N. Barton; G. Rusch & A. R. Romeiro (2013) Policyscape— The potential of Tradable Development Rights (TDR) to improve effectiveness and reduce the costs of biodiversity conservation: study case in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Thumbnail Bittner, S. and Lienhoop, N., 2013: Understanding non-participation of farmers in agri-environmental schemes for afforestation. The case of West Saxony.
Thumbnail Brouwer, R. and Simon, T. (2011) Review of the Biodiversity Valuation Literature and Meta-Analysis. Report 5/2011
Thumbnail Brouwer, R. et al. (2013) Guidelines for biodiversity valuation and benefits assessment of economic instruments. Tecnical Brief Issue no. 10
Thumbnail Fasiaben, M.C.R., Gori, A., Andrade, D.C., Ângelo, J.A. Costs of environmental protection in different types of agricultural production units: the case of Cantareira-Mantiqueira Corridor Region.
Thumbnail Pinto, R., Antunes, P., Santos, R., Blumentrath, S., Clemente, P. Evaluating spatial targeting and planning effectiveness of policies: Illustrative example of an agri-environmental measure application in a multifunctional system. (in preparation)
Thumbnail Porras, I. , A. Chacon Cascante, D.N.Barton, D. Tobar (2014) Ecosystems for Sale. Land prices and payments for ecosystem services in Costa Rica
Thumbnail Schröter et al.(2014) Lessons learned for spatial modelling of ecosystem services in support of ecosystem accounting. Ecosystem Services. Available online 1 August 2014.
Thumbnail Vatn et al.(2014) Payments for Nature Values Market and Non-market Instruments