
Project news


Fighting leafhoppers in pastures. Workshop and field day in Cotriguaçu

Published on: 2. May 2013
Author: Margrethe Tingstad


Estacaovida, November  13th. 2012 (translation):


More than 80 people attended workshops and field day Cotriguaçu  to receive information that helps in pest control.
The leafhopper pastures became a serious plague for many ranchers in Mato Grosso.
The bug, though small, causes damage to the small, medium and large cattle, respecting no boundaries or fences properties. The leafhopper attacks cause the loss of nutrients and weakening of the grass pastures.

Besides the
theoretical part, workshop participants also learned to recognize the phases of the leafhopper, to manage and apply the fungus in practice.One field day was held in Sofia farm, owned by Florentino Martins, and another on the property of the seated Moses Ferreira de Jesus, community Novo Horizonte.

Farmers-family communities Novo Horizonte,Ouvo Verde, Santa Clara
and New Union attentiveto information passed on by Professor Vander.
Photo: Daniela Torezzan / ICV

Pablo Del Arco, graduate student, presented research developed under the Project POLICYMIX that shows the importance of the forest in the natural control of the leafhopper. The field surveys were carried out on properties that develop livestock Cotriguaçu. The objective, according to the author, is to generate information for landowners and public officials in order to enhance the services provided by forests mainly in pest control.
"The pest control of pastures is considered as an important environmental service as  cattle is  of fundamental economic importance in the municipality of Cotriguaçu as is," says Pablo

Read more (in Portuguese)


Leafhopper-phase larval and nymph,
cause the greatest damage in pastures.
Photo: Daniela Torezzan / ICV

